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Partners and Supporters

Park Mark and the Safer Parking Scheme is owned by Police Crime Prevention Initiatives Ltd on behalf of the police service and managed by the British Parking Association.

Police Scotland

Police Scotland is the professional voice of police leadership in Scotland. We work in partnership with central and local government to set strategic objectives for policing in Scotland and to deliver better integrated services for Scotland's communities.

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Secured by Design

Secured by Design focuses on crime prevention of homes and commercial premises and promotes the use of security standards for a wide range of applications and products.

The principles have been proven to achieve a reduction of crime by up to 75%, and criminal damage by 25%. We have over 450 members with over a 1000 products that meet our high security standards from windows and doors to bike security and forensic marking. Secured by Design provides crime prevention advice for home owners and tenants.

Find members and products here

And burglary prevention advice here

Visit their website

Scottish Business Crime Centre

The Scottish Business Crime Centre is a non-profit making organisation created in 1996 under the Business Crime Reduction Strategy for Scotland, to establish a unique partnership approach between the Police, business community and Government.

The main function of the Centre is to provide practical advice to the business/commercial sectors on how to develop business crime reduction and prevention strategies. We aim to reduce business crime using a number of measures:

  • promoting specific initiatives within industry sectors and community groups
  • sharing good practice approaches to business related crime prevention
  • raising awareness of the level, impact and cost of business crime
  • creating and supporting a network of relevant partnerships and programmes

Visit their website

The summer edition of the Scottish Business Crime Centre newsletter is now available. The quarterly publication contains advice, local updates and news. This edition also features a farewell from the executive director Alan Dobie who is retiring after eight years at the SBCC.

Read their newsletter

The Crime Prevention Website is a free access information website developed by former Metropolitan Police Officer, Crime Prevention Design Adviser and author, Calvin Beckford.

Read more about the author

Visit the website

Visit the library - containing links to documents, books and organisations and online available security standards, policies, codes of practice, technical specifications, guides, building regluations and Acts of Parliament. It also references a wide number of security standards that can be purchased online.

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