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Multi-storey car parks (safety) Bill

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 12:00 on 21st of March 2023

Statement following the introduction of a Private Members Bill by Maria Eagle MP

The BPA is following developments in Parliament and the introduction of a Private Members Bill by Maria Eagle MP. We have offered to work with her because we support the essence of this bill.

The BPA is already actively working with Government in the wider review of Building Regulations. Additionally, we publish advice and guidance to members on many aspects of car park design, including preventing falls from multi-story parking facilities. We will continue to do this in partnership with the authorities and agencies who have relevant expertise and experience.

Kelvin Reynolds, BPA Chief Technical Services and Governance Officer said, “We regularly engage with Government about the Building Regulations associated with the design and building of car parks.

“All of Britain’s car parks are designed and managed with the safety of the users and their vehicles in mind. Occasionally, it’s not clear why people have fallen from a car park. Sadly, across the entire parking sector, suicides or attempted suicides arise from time to time. This is why we publish advice and guidance to our members on the risks and management of suicide in parking facilities.

We agree everything that can reasonably be done to minimise the risks should be done and that is why are keen to work with Maria Eagle MP as she promotes her Bill.

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