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Middlesbrough Bus Station retains Safer Bus Station Award

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 14:00 on 2nd of February 2023

The Safer Bus Station award recognises operators’ efforts to reduce crime and disorder, as well as the fear of crime.

Middlesbrough Bus Station has retained its Safer Bus Station Award. Staff at the Council-owned Bus Station have worked with Cleveland Police, Street Wardens, the British Parking Association, and bus companies to reduce levels of crime and anti-social behaviour at the bus station.

The Safer Bus Station award highlights standards of good practice in security and reassurance for passengers and staff and also recognises operators’ efforts to reduce crime and disorder, as well as the fear of crime.

Ryan Davey, BPA Area Manager, said: “The Safer Bus Station Scheme establishes standards of good practice. Bus and coach stations receive the award where operators have demonstrated a commitment to working with their local police force and other partners to reduce crime and create a safe and non-threatening environment. The Bus Station staff should be proud of their achievements.”

Steve Cranston, Designing Out Crime Officer for Cleveland Police said “Due to the rise in reported anti-social incidents and criminal offences the site became subject of a Problem Oriented Policing approach, but with good partnership working involving Police, Bus Station Management and Staff, including Street Wardens the issues were rectified. The reinstatement of the award is the recognition of this hard work.”

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