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Key issues for drivers

We asked motorists at Park Mark car parks what they thought were the main factors in choosing where to park. From 15 possible choices, they told us their top priorities were location and personal safety. In third place was a safe environment followed by tariff in fourth.

In fact, we survey car park users and operators every few years for their views of the Safer Parking Scheme. Once motorists are aware of the scheme, the majority say they are more likely to use an accredited car park in the future knowing it has been assessed by the police.

Read the full motorist survey here

Finding a space

At any one time, 30% of drivers on UK roads are in city centres searching for a parking space. On average it takes 10-15 minutes to find somewhere to park.

Park Mark car parks use clear directional signage and traffic flow techniques like one-way circulation so drivers are not confused about which way to go. Pedestrian access and exit routes are clearly indicated with signage and controlled routes such as painted paths.


Park Mark car parks have lower crime as operators do all they can to reduce both crime and the fear of crime. During the accreditation process, police assessors recommend changes that are known to deter offenders, such as perimeter fencing, surveillance and bright lighting. If incidents do occur, operators and assessors together identify the causes and take action.

Lighting levels

Pedestrians want to see and be seen as they walk to and from their car. People can fear dark areas. Park Mark recognises that increased lighting levels in dark areas can reduce the fear of crime and opportunities to commit offences. Maximum use is made of daylight supplemented by artificial illumination.


Clean and well kept car parks reassure drivers they are in a safer environment. Litter and graffiti are quickly removed, thus deterring further graffiti and criminal damage. Vulnerable areas are treated with anti-graffiti coatings and textured surface finishes, climbing plants and highly patterned surface treatments to limit vandalism.

The old days

Poor lighting

Being part of the Safer Parking Scheme takes a car park from this:

To this:

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