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Safer Parking Scheme News: Latest News

Rise in vehicle related theft is cause for concern

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 13:58 on 15th of July 2019

Vehicle related theft has been rising since 2014 yet it is only in May this year that the national papers began reporting on it, citing a lack in police numbers to tackle the 8. 8% increase in vehicle thefts in 2018 and a drop in the number of prosecutions. The upward trend will not surprise those w [...] Read more

New airport parking awards to recognise excellence

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 09:30 on 18th of June 2019

The Independent Airport Parking Association (IAPA) has launched the first dedicated awards to celebrate standards of excellence among UK parking providers. Professional assessors will review offsite airport parking operators across the country, with a panel of expert judges then picking their winner [...] Read more

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