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New airport parking awards to recognise excellence

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 09:30 on 18th of June 2019

The Independent Airport Parking Association (IAPA) has launched the first dedicated awards to celebrate standards of excellence among UK parking providers.

Professional assessors will review offsite airport parking operators across the country, with a panel of expert judges then picking their winners to find the UK’s best park & ride and meet & greet services.

Nominations for the awards are open to all offsite airport parking companies members and non-members of the Independent Airport Parking Association, and companies are being encouraged to enter themselves.

Daniel Johnson of IAPA says: “These new awards are important because they celebrate those providers who set the highest standards within our industry by demonstrating an unflinching focus on customer care and car security day in, day out.

“These are the first awards to focus solely on the airport parking industry and to pick winners based on expert assessments rather than customer votes. By taking part, companies are helping to showcase the very best of our sector and setting the benchmark for others to follow.”

The judging panel includes Steve Clark, head of business operations at the British Parking Association; Lisa Minot, travel editor at The Sun, and Gareth Herincx, a journalist specialising in the motoring industry.

Offsite airport parking providers can enter through the IAPA website. Entry is free to IAPA members and costs £115 for non-members. The deadline for entries is Friday, 28 June.

Every entrant will be assessed by professional mystery shoppers in July, with final judging taking place in August. Winners will be announced in September.

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