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Ten top tips for Safer Parking

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 11:27 on 20th of December 2019

When parking generally

  1. Always read the signs and road markings and make sure you know the rules about time limits and paying for parking before leaving your car. Remember, that parking is still enforced in many places on Sundays, bank and public holidays.
  2. If you need to pay make sure you do and always be sure to display any permit or ticket clearly on the dashboard or somewhere it can easily be read by others.
  3. If you’re not a Blue Badge holder, or not parking a motorcycle or bicycle, don’t use spaces marked out for these people.
  4. Don’t leave valuables visible in your car; they could tempt an opportunist thief.

Parking in a car park

  1. Choosing a Park Mark awarded car park ensures you will be using a facility that has good lighting, effective surveillance, is clean and well managed.
  2. If you can, choose a parking spot near a busy place or other people and not in a secluded or isolated place.
  3. Always read the signs as different car parks have different rules. If you need to pay, make sure you do and always ensure you display any permit or ticket clearly on the dashboard or somewhere it can be easily read by others.
  4. If parking in a car park run by a private company, for example a pub, retail park or supermarket, see if it is run by a member of the BPA’s Approved Operator Scheme. Members adhere to a Code of Practice ensuring that their signage is clear and it sets standards for fair and reasonable parking management and enforcement. Should you need it, there is an independent appeals service called POPLA.
  5. Make sure you’re aware of any time limits for parking. Often supermarkets and retail centres allow a set period of time and some car parks restrict use to visiting a shop, restaurant or leisure facility.
  6. The best way to avoid a parking ticket is not to park where you shouldn’t and pay when you should.

Choosing a Park Mark car park means it’s cleaner, brighter and safer with measures in place to ensure the safety of people and vehicles. Look out for the Park Mark logo with the white tick!

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