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Secured by Design celebrates 30th anniversary with special event

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 14:04 on 4th of September 2019

This year sees the 30th Anniversary of Secured by Design (SBD), the National Police crime prevention flagship initiative. Its strength is its simplicity as we continue to fight the blight of crime within our communities and seek to eradicate the design failures of the past. SBD continues working to reduce burglary and other crimes in the built environment such as car parks through good design and physical security, which is still proving successful. The Safer Parking Scheme is part of a family of SBD initiatives which aims to reduce crime and fear of crime in car parks. As you know, only when a parking facility passes a police assessor’s risk assessment is the Park Mark awarded.

This October, the Eastern Region Designing out Crime Team is hosting a special event to promote quality design.

This event will showcase how SBD gives value for money investment through good design and attack resistant products. Hear how the six Eastern Region Constabularies help deliver on the principles of SBD, and how their work across the counties helps reduce criminal opportunity.

Speakers include:

  • Guy Ferguson: Chief Executive Officer, Secured by Design-PCPI
  • Michael Brooke: Senior Technical Officer and National Building Approval, Secured by Design-PCPI
  • Sara Saunders: Head of Planning, East Hertfordshire
  • Ian Le Gros: Head of Site RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Royal Horticultural Society
  • Jon Wilson: Emergency Services Collaboration Programme, Essex Fire and Rescue
  • Graham Thomas: Head of Planning and Development, Essex County Council
  • Ben-Julian Harrington: Chief Constable for Essex, Essex Police
  • Jane Gardner: Deputy Essex Police & Fire Commissioner, Essex PFCC
  • Heather Gurden: Strategic Designing out Crime Officer and Chair of Eastern Region Designing Out Crime team, Essex Police
  • The programme includes case studies of successful projects. Attendees at the event will engage directly with Designing Out Crime Officers with opportunities to network with architects, developers and local authority planners. Local Secured by Design accredited firms will also be exhibiting.

    To register for this FREE event please email the programme team: designingoutcrime@Essex.pnn.police.uk or speak to Phillip Kemp direct dial 01284 774141 if you have any questions.

    Date:       Wednesday 2nd October

    Venue:     Western Homes Stadia, United Way, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5UP

    9.30am    Registration

    10am       Start

    12.30pm  Lunch (provided)

    3.30pm    Finish

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