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Safer streets fund leads to Park Mark awards in Northants and Merthyr Tydfil

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 10:40 on 2nd of February 2021

The government launched the Safer Streets Fund in October 2019 and invited bids from January 2020 to improve security in areas particularly affected by acquisitive crimes such as burglary, vehicle theft and robbery.

Measures that the funding can be used for include CCTV, improved home security, Neighbourhood Watch schemes, street lighting and crime prevention advice.

The Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire applied for funding and used part of the grant to fund 5 new Park Mark awards for the parking areas belonging to Northampton Partnership Homes and some remedial works within a car park managed by Northampton Borough Council. This in itself resulted in the council bringing an extra 2 car parks onto the scheme.

South Wales Police also applied for funding, which resulted in Merthyr Tydfil Council rejoining the Safer Parking Scheme with 6 car parks achieving the Park Mark award and Disabled Parking Accreditation.

Chas Cannon said: "It was a slow process due to COVID lockdowns and restrictions. I had to comply with England and Wales lockdowns which were in place at different times, but I was eventually able to get the assessments completed."

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