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Heedful app launched to help reduce risk of vehicle crime

Posted in Latest News by ParkMark at 11:30 on 27th of January 2020

A new community based app, Heedful, launches today to assist in deterring vehicle related crime. The app allows motorists to search for safer parking using Park Mark award data, receive live vehicle crime updates and invites you to join a virtual garage that allows other app users to notify the network of any activity.

“Vehicle related crime has hit breaking point for motorists across the UK” says Heedful Founder, Lex Lambrou. “By giving our customers transparent, timely and smart data before they choose to park somewhere, our aim is to make people feel safer and be part of an invisible yet unbreakable community of security conscious members.”

Heedful - available free on iOS and Android - displays an interactive map offering visibility of vehicle crime hotspots based on real-time incident data; a combination of user generated community reports, law enforcement records and Park Mark, Safer Parking Scheme information. The app’s easy to use dashboard provides up-to-date insights via a filter, so members can (when possible) select a suitable parking area based on judgement rather than just crossed fingers.

Users can submit their own reports and more members means more data to inform the community.

Future features will enable certain types of vehicles (e.g motorcycles) to check on fellow users parked nearby and if there’s an issue, notify the owner via a secure geo-fenced buddy system. The app has plans to expand to commercial vehicles, leisure travellers and tradesmen so they can protect their cargo, campervans and tools.

With an average of 380+ vehicles stolen daily in the UK, theft related insurance claims have more than doubled in the last 3 years.

Dr Ken German, a 25-year veteran in the auto-crime industry and leading consultant said: “A 46% rise in vehicle crime means we need action. Heedful offers clear and honest intentions to help vehicle owners, using an innovative and visionary solution to this important issue.”

Heedful launches under the social media campaign #weareheedful, to highlight positive community spirit in a time when so many need to be reassured it exists.

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