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Scunthorpe Truck Stop awarded for safety

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 08:50 on 1st of May 2019

Scunthorpe Truck Stop has received the prestigious Park Mark, the Safer Parking Scheme award that recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks.

A Park Mark is awarded to parking facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Dave Ellse from Scunthorpe Truck Stop said “This is a great asset to us, it lets drivers know we are serious about protecting them and their vehicles. To be the first truck park to receive the award in the north of England is a fantastic achievement.”

Ryan Davey, British Parking Association Area Manager said: “I am delighted that Scunthorpe Truck Stop has achieved the Park Mark award as it demonstrates the hard work and commitment to providing a safe environment for users.”

Trace Rokahr, Designing out Crime Officer, Humberside Police said ‘I am delighted to welcome Scunthorpe Truck Stop to the Safer Parking Scheme, which was recently awarded the Safer Parking award, the first of its type in the Humberside Police area.

“The truck park provides excellent facilities incorporating all aspects of safety, security and exemplary management practices. I am looking forward to working alongside STS in the future.”

Car parks with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking. Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80% showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park. There are currently 5000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK which can be found on a designated website www.parkmark.co.uk

Could you spot a Park Mark car park? Have a go by taking this quiz www.britishparking.co.uk/parking-quiz

Photo: Dave Ellse, Scunthorpe Truck Stop (left) and Ryan Davey, Safer Parking Scheme Area Manager.

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