Home | News | Latest Awards | Rushcliffe car parks awarded Park Mark highlighting low crime and increased safety

Rushcliffe car parks awarded Park Mark highlighting low crime and increased safety

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 08:30 on 23rd of April 2021

Select Rushcliffe Borough Council car parks have received the prestigious Park Mark, the Safer Parking Scheme award that recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks.

Bridgford Road, Gordon Road, Nursery and Rushcliffe Arena car parks in West Bridgford, Needham Street car park in Bingham, Bunny Lane car park in Keyworth and Rushcliffe Country car park have all reached The Safer Parking Scheme national standards.

A Park Mark is awarded to parking facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the Police and the British Parking Association.

They include passing management and maintenance standards of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Peter Gravells British Parking Association Area Manager said: "I am delighted that Rushcliffe car parks are achieving the Park Mark award as it demonstrates the hard work and commitment to providing a safe environment for users. "Each car park undergoes a rigorous assessment by specially trained police assessors. Those achieving the award have management practices and security measures that actively reduce crime. They look safer, they feel safer and they are safer."

The news comes just days after the authority announced its ‘Free After 3’ promotion that allows free parking after 3pm each day across Rushcliffe managed car parks in towns and village centres until further notice.

The car parks are part of only a quarter nationally to have received the accreditation and Park Mark helps drivers tell the difference with its bright blue box and big white tick signage designed to stand out, giving drivers assurance they are choosing a safer place to park.

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Executive Manager for Neighbourhoods Dave Banks said: "The award highlights our car parks continue to be locations you can be confident to park and leave your vehicle and our teams work hard to make them ever safer, cleaner, greener and accessible.

"A safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle can only help our local economies too as our town and village centres benefit with increased and return footfall for shopping, working or visiting."

Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park. There are currently 5000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK which can be found on a designated website www.parkmark.co.uk

Could you spot a Park Mark car park? Have a go by taking this quiz www.britishparking.co.uk/parking-quiz

Photo: (left to right): Welcoming the Park Mark are Boguslawa Motylska Designing Out Crime Officer Nottinghamshire Police, PC Paul Henson, Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Executive Manager for Neighbourhoods Dave Banks, Peter Gravells Area Manager for the British Parking Association and Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Service Manager for Neighbourhoods Darryl Burch

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