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Red Lion Lorry Park receives national award for safety

Posted in Latest Awards by Admin at 09:47 on 15th of January 2020

Red Lion Lorry Park operated by Ali and Zarfeen Sadrudin has achieved the coveted Park Mark, the award of the Safer Parking Scheme.

This state-of-the-art lorry park offers enhanced security design features to reduce the possibility of criminal activity.  The site incorporates a bespoke intruder detection system designed by ESR Electrical that alerts the security staff to immediately react to any movement.  This linked to a very comprehensive monitored CCTV provides a fully integrated layered approach to security.

This award is credited to parking facilities that have achieved the requirements of a risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The Safer Parking Scheme is an initiative of the Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, aimed at reducing crime and the fear of crime in parking areas.

Sharon Henley, Northamptonshire Police Designing out Crime Officer said: “The owners of the Red Lion Lorry Park were very keen to ensure that the redevelopment of the lorry park met the highest security standards.

“They engaged fully throughout the planning process meeting the security planning conditions and going the extra mile to ensure a state of the art facility.  The Red Lion Lorry Park sets the benchmark for facilities of this nature and any future development which has police involvement will be expected to match these standards.”

Zarfeen Sadrudin, Director of the Red Lion Lorry Park said: We are very pleased to have obtained this prestigious award. We are continually striving to improve the site, to offer the best experience to our customers and this award highlights our commitment to this.”

Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that the lorry park has achieved the award as it means operator is helping to deliver a safer environment for those using the facilities. It is a fantastic achievement and testament to the effective management and high standards being created.”

Photo: (left to right): Peter Gravells, British Parking Association; Sharon Henley, Northamptonshire Police DOCO; Zarfeen Sadrudin, Director, Red Lion Truck Stop; Ali Sadrudin, Director, Red Lion Truck Stop; Robert Hunt, ESR Electrical.

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