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Park Mark awarded to University of Bradford& Greet Advices for 13th year!

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 09:00 on 14th of December 2021

Seven University of Bradford car parks have received the prestigious Park Mark, the Safer Parking Scheme award that recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks. This is the 13th year in a row that the university has gained the award.

A Park Mark is awarded to parking facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Lisa Reardon, Designing Out Crime Officer, West Yorkshire Police said: “Congratulations to the University. The award shows their continued commitment to keeping vehicles, students, staff and visitors safe within their car parks.”

Ryan Davey, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “The University of Bradford achieving Park Mark for the 13th year is great achievement. The staff at the university work hard to keep the car parks up to the standards and it is clear that safety is at the forefront of their thinking”.

Justin Waterhouse, Security Operations Manager, University of Bradford said: “The University is proud to achieve this standard and shows the University’s continuing commitment in providing a safer and more secure campus for all.”

Car parks with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking. Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80% showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park. There are currently 5000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK which can be found on a designated website www.parkmark.co.uk

Could you spot a Park Mark car park? Have a go by taking this quiz www.britishparking.co.uk/parking-quiz

Photo: Ryan Davey, British Parking Association Area Manager and Justin Waterhouse, Security Operations Manager, University of Bradford

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