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Park Mark awarded to new Broadmarsh multi-storey car park

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 12:00 on 11th of February 2022

The new Broadmarsh multi-storey car park has achieved the high standards required to pass assessment for the Safer Parking Scheme and been awarded the coveted Park Mark.

This awards is credited to parking facilities that have achieved the requirements of a risk assessment conducted by both the Police and the British Parking Association. The Safer Parking Scheme is an initiative of the Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, aimed at reducing crime and the fear of crime in parking areas.

Nottingham City Council Karen Day said: “We are delighted to have been awarded Park Mark. Achieving a national standard is evidence of our commitment to safer parking facilities for all of our customers and that the measures we have in place are helping towards reducing crime and the fear of crime within our car parks.”

Nottinghamshire Police Designing out Crime Officer Neil Repton said: “Nottinghamshire Police are pleased to have worked in partnership with Nottingham City Council to achieve the Park Mark award for the new Broadmarsh MSCP. This is a significant achievement and the council continues to work towards reducing crime, whilst creating a safe and non-threatening environment for users.”

Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that this car park, together with others managed by Nottingham City Council has achieved the award as it means the City Council is delivering a safer environment for those using the facilities. It is a fantastic achievement and testament to the effective management and high parking standards being maintained.”

All parking facilities with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking. Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80% showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

Photo: (left to right): Neil Repton, Designing out Crime Officer, Notts police; Karen Day, Nottingham City Council and Peter Gravells, Area Manager, British Parking Association.

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