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Nottingham Trent University car parks awarded for safer and accessible parking

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 16:20 on 15th of November 2021

Nottingham Trent University has achieved the coveted Safer Parking Scheme, Park Mark Award, and Disabled Parking Accreditation at their City Campus, Clifton Campus and Brackenhurst Campus, Southwell.

The Safer Parking Scheme is an initiative of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives and is aimed at reducing crime and the fear of crime in parking facilities. A Park Mark is awarded to parking facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Corie Slaney, Nottingham Trent University said: “We are delighted to have been awarded both the Park Mark award and the Disabled Parking Accreditation. These national standards evidence our commitment to safer parking facilities for our students, colleagues and visitors, in particular the measures we have in place reducing crime within our car parks. As part of the assessment, we have increased our compliant accessible parking spaces in our city campus increasing flexibility across our campuses for Blue Badge holders.”

Graham Footer, Chief Executive of Disabled Motoring UK said: “Disabled Motoring UK is thrilled that Nottingham Trent University has achieved DPAs across multiple sites. This will not only officially recognise the facilities as accessible and safe for disabled customers, but also acknowledge the effort that has been put into making the car park up to the accreditation standard.”

Nottinghamshire Police Designing out Crime Officer, Neil Repton said: “We are pleased to have worked in partnership with Nottingham Trent University to achieve the awards in a range of different locations. Each facility has its own dynamics and so this is a significant achievement.”

Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that the car parks within the three campuses have achieved the awards as it means that Nottingham Trent University are delivering a safer environment for those using the facilities. It is a fantastic achievement and testament to the effective management and high parking standards being maintained”

There is a designated DPA website where disabled people can search for a car park with the accreditation www.dpaccreditation.org.uk

To qualify, car parks must have accessible bays that meet British standards, which are at least 2.4 metres by 4.8 metres with a 1.2 metre safety or transition zone marked with cross patterned stripes along one side of the bay.

Signage must give clear information and instructions for the use of a building and there should be level access between pedestrian entrances/exits and parking bays. Lifts or ramps must be provided where levels are not even. Lighting, payment machines and alternative payment methods also form part of the criteria as well as concessions where appropriate to allow disabled people additional time.

Photo: (left to right) Neil Repton, Nottinghamshire Police; Peter Gravells, British Parking Association; Richard Antcliff, Campus Operations Manager and Corie Slaney, Car Parking Supervisor

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