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National accreditation assures safety in council car parks

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 14:20 on 10th of May 2022

Two more council-owned car parks have secured a national accreditation for their safety and accessibility.

Most of Darlington Borough Council’s town centre car parks have been awarded the Safer Parking Scheme’s Park Mark award for being well-managed and meeting specific quality and safety criteria including CCTV, lighting levels, cleanliness and signage.

They have also achieved Disabled Parking Accreditation (DPA) after an assessment demonstrated they met strict criteria for the provision of spaces, accessibility and clear enforcement of disabled bays. The Abbots Yard and Town Hall car parks have now also been accredited.

Inspector Dean Haythornthwaite, of Durham Constabulary, explained: “The Safer Parking Scheme is a Police initiative which assesses car parks for safety and security and the council’s car parks have been recognised as well-managed and maintained, with minimal crime.

“The council has a programme of investment in its car parks which has been acknowledged by the award of the Safer Parking Scheme’s Park Mark and it’s good news that more have now secured accreditation.”

Councillor Jonathan Dulston, deputy leader of Darlington Borough Council, added: “Community safety is a priority for us and we want those who live, work and visit the borough to feel safe when they are here and that includes ensuring our car parks are safe and secure too.

“As well as securing Park Mark status, we have also gained disability accreditation too and this ensures that there are safe and secure parking facilities for all those who need them.”

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