Home | News | Latest Awards | Middlesbrough Council's car parks deemed safe and accessible

24th of April 2019cil r parks deemed safe and accessible

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 09:02 on 24th of April 2019

Ten public pay & display car parks operated by Middlesbrough Council have received prestigious Park Mark awards for the twelfth consecutive year. Park Mark status is awarded to facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the Police and British Parking Association.

The criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle. This is demonstrated by the low level of reported crimes within Middlesbrough Council-operated car parks, with just two incidents of crime recorded in the past year across all of the sites.

In addition, three of the Middlesbrough Council-operated car parks have also been awarded Disabled Parking Accreditation for the accessible parking bays, within the car parks. British Parking Association Area Manager Ryan Davey, said: "I am delighted that Middlesbrough Council has achieved Park Mark again and also the Disabled Parking Accreditation. "These awards show commitment and hard work by staff to ensure facilities are kept to a high standard and cater for all users."

Craig Cowley, Planning & Delivery Manager for Middlesbrough Council, said: "Safe, secure and accessible parking is a vital element in a vibrant and prosperous city centre. "These awards are recognition of the hard work that goes into maintaining these facilities to the standard expected by those who live, work in and visit central Middlesbrough.

Photo: Ryan Davey, British Parking Association Area Manager, Inspector Fay Cole of Cleveland Police, Cleveland Police Architectural Liaison Officer Steve Cranston and Middlesbrough Council Planning & Delivery Manager Craig Cowley

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