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Lido becomes 25th Park Mark award for Hillingdon

Posted in Latest Awards by Admin at 14:33 on 9th of December 2019

Three further car parks, including Ruislip Lido, means that Hillingdon Council has achieved 25 Park Mark awards, the national award of the Safer Parking Scheme, which recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks.

Parking facilities must pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association and assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness.  These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Cllr Keith Burrows, Hillingdon Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling, said: “We are delighted to receive these new awards and increase the number of Park Marks in the borough. We want to continue to provide parking facilities for residents and visitors that are easy-to-use, well-maintained, safe and value for money.”

Met Inspector Matt Turner said: “With the addition of the Ruislip Lido there are now 25 car parks with the Park Mark award in the London Borough of Hillingdon. The Safer Parking Scheme is a great example of how the Metropolitan Police Service is working with our partners, to not only reduce crime, but also reduce demand on our frontline officers. Simple crime prevention measures can have a big impact if implemented effectively and will protect the public and their property.

“The commitment of the local authority to implement this scheme is commendable. Our Designing Out Crime team look forward to working with Hillingdon Council and the British Parking Association on further sites across the borough.”

British Parking Association Area Manager, Antony Powell added: “I congratulate all members of the Parking Services Department on this impressive achievement. Hillingdon Council`s long term support of the Park Mark award initiative clearly demonstrates their commitment to ensuring that all of their car parking facilities within the scheme are as clean, safer and well managed as possible.“

Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80% showing that the initiative really does make a difference and more recent motorist surveys by the safer parking team revealed that personal safety and location were joint priorities when choosing somewhere to park and a safe environment was third.

Car parks with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking.

There are currently 5,000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK which can be found on a designated website www.parkmark.co.uk

Photo (left to right): Chris Barton, Car Parks Manager; Roy Clark, Parking Services Manager; Antony Powell, BPA Area Manager; Paul Woods, Assistant Car Parks Manager

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