Home | News | Latest Awards | Investment in parking facilities pays off as 25 car parks awarded for safety

Investment in parking facilities pays off as 25 car parks awarded for safety

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 09:00 on 9th of August 2021

Dacorum Council has achieved the prestigious Park Mark Award at 25 car parks in the borough. Park Mark is the award of the Safer Parking Scheme award that recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks.

Parking facilities must pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage, and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Steve Barnes, Parking Services Team Leader at Dacorum Borough Council said: “In March 2008 we started our journey towards Park Mark accreditation for our car parks. In collaboration with our Building Services Team, a programme of refurbishments was instigated and to date investment in our car park infrastructure has enabled the refurbishment of 18 sites with a further three in the pipeline.

“This, in conjunction with the introduction of revised site inspection processes, effective maintenance, support from the council’s Clean, Safe and Green Team and our enforcement contractor has enabled us, with advice and direction from the BPA and police assessors, to have all of our 25 Parking Services sites now Park Mark accredited. I hope that this achievement will demonstrate our commitment to provide customers with clean, safe and effectively enforced car parks.”

Cllr Andrew Williams, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Contracted Services, said "We are proud that all our car parks have now achieved this award and that our residents and visitors are able to access excellent parking facilities that are safe, clean and help to support our town centres."

Antony Powell, British Parking Association Area Manager added: “The recent accreditations of Dacorum Borough Council`s Alexandra Road and Hicks Road car parks brings the total of Safer Parking Scheme awards held by the Council to 25. All members of the Parking Services Team and supporting departments are to be congratulated upon this very impressive achievement.

“Dacorum Borough Council`s long term support of the Park Mark award initiative clearly demonstrates their commitment to ensuring that all of their car parking facilities within the scheme located throughout the borough are as clean , safer and well managed as possible.”

Hertfordshire Police Designing out Crime Officer, Sophie Groombridge said: “It is fantastic news that Dacorum Borough Council have all their 25 car parks in the Park Mark scheme . Steve Barnes, the parking services team leader has done a fantastic job, all the car parks are extremely well managed, clean and safe for public use.”

Car parks with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking. Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park.

Photo: (left to right) Sophie Groombridge, Designing Out Crime Officer, Hertfordshire Constabulary; Cllr. Andrew Williams, Leader of Dacorum Borough Council; Steven Barnes, Parking Services Team Leader, Dacorum Borough Council; Police Inspector Jeff Scott, Hertfordshire Constabulary and Antony Powell BPA Area Manager

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