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Corby Town Shopping is awarded for safety, security and accessibility

Posted in Latest Awards by Admin at 12:40 on 30th of July 2019

Corby Town Centre Management has achieved the coveted Park Mark, Safer Parking Award and the Disabled Parking Accreditation for their newly created surface car park, Market Walk East.

This car park has replaced an ageing multi-storey and is part of a significant investment in the regeneration of Corby Town Shopping & Willow Place by Corby Town Centre SARL, Europa Capital & Sovereign Centros.

The Safer Parking Scheme is a national standard for UK car parks that have low crime and measures in place to ensure the safety of people and vehicles. A Park Mark is awarded to each car park that achieves the challenging standards, assessed by the police and the British Parking Association.

The distinctive Park Mark signage helps drivers find car parks where they can confidently leave their vehicle, knowing the environment is safer. Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80% showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that Market Walk East Car Park under the control of Corby Town Centre has achieved the awards as it means they are continuing to deliver a safer environment for those using the car park. It is a fantastic achievement and testament to the effective management and high standards being implemented.”

Dan Pickard Centre Director, said: “Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park. There are currently 5000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK and I am delighted that we have joined them. Accessibility, security and ease of use were our priorities when designing and building the new car park and these awards demonstrate that we have successfully delivered all three.

“There is a dedicated DPA website where disabled people can search for a car park with the accreditation and it’s great that disabled motorists visiting Corby town centre can park with ease.”

Graham Footer, Chief Executive of Disabled Motoring UK said: “Disabled Motoring UK is pleased that Corby has joined the growing number shopping centres accredited with the DPA. It indicates that there is a positive response from the retail industry that it is beneficial to be part of nationally recognised accreditation and be able to promote this facility to their communities as accessible.”

To qualify for the DPA, car parks must have accessible bays that meet British standards, which are at least 2.4 meters by 4.8 meters with a 1.2 meter safety or transition zone marked with cross patterned stripes along one side of the bay.

Signage must give clear information and instructions for the use of a building and there should be level access between pedestrian entrances/exits and parking bays. Lifts or ramps must be provided where levels are not even. Lighting, payment machines and alternative payment methods also form part of the criteria as well as concessions where appropriate to allow disabled people additional time.

Photo: (left to right) Daniel Pickard, Centre Director; Richard Wilson, Northamptonshire Park Mark Assessor and Peter Gravells, Safer Parking Scheme Area Manager.

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