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CitiPark receives a national award for safety for Rickmansworth

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 10:30 on 18th of March 2019

Leading car park operator CitiPark is delighted to announce that its Rickmansworth branch, a new ticketless, barrier-less car park in Hertfordshire, has been awarded the prestigious Park Mark from the Safer Parking Scheme, an organisation that works across the UK to make car parks safer for customers.

The Safer Parking Scheme’s ‘Park Mark’ award is a nationwide benchmark for UK car parks, designed to reduce crime and the fear of crime, ensuring the safety of customers and their vehicles. A Park Mark helps drivers find car parks where they can confidently leave their car, knowing that it will be in a safer environment.

Every car park that receives the award undergoes a detailed check by specially trained police assessors. Among the criteria checked in all car parks that receive the award are management practices and security measures, both of which actively help to reduce the risk of crime.

A recent study conducted by the Safer Parking Scheme found that motorists are more likely to use a Park Mark awarded car park than any other. In their most recent survey, they found customers consider location, personal safety and a safe environment the three most important factors when choosing a car park.

Studies also indicate that customers who use Park Mark car parks are less likely to experience crime, as those car park operators have initiatives in place designed to reduce criminal activity. During the assessment process, the police assessor will suggest changes that are known to deter offenders, including perimeter fencing, surveillance and bright lighting. If any incidents do occur, the car park operator and assessor work together to identify the cause of the issue and appropriate action is taken.

Doug Macfarlane, Head of Car Park Management at CitiPark, said: “We are delighted to receive the prestigious Park Mark for our Rickmansworth car park. We are always looking for ways to improve the safety and overall quality of our car parks, so it’s great to see that our efforts have been recognised. Over 80% of our car parks are Park Mark awarded, with a view of implementing throughout the whole portfolio.”

Antony Powell, Area Manager at British Parking Association, said: “The Park Mark award is a testament to all the hard work CitiPark has put in to make this car park safe for all users. I look forward to working with CitiPark in the future to implement the Safer Parking Scheme throughout their wider portfolio and award more car parks.”

Hertfordshire Police Assessor, Sophie Groombridge said: “It is good to see that car park security and safety is taken seriously by CitiPark and it is clearly demonstrated at the well-managed Rickmansworth site. The team work hard to provide a safe, secure and clean car park for all their visitors and is a well-deserved award.”

Photo (left to right): Rizaldo Lingal, Area Manager; Doug Macfarlane, Head of Car Park Management; Sophie Groombridge, Hertfordshire Police Assessor; Antony Powell, Area Manager at British Parking Association

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