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Car parks and new lorry park recognised with national awards

Posted in Latest Awards by Admin at 13:31 on 3rd of October 2019

Six of Newark and Sherwood District Council’s car parks have retained the coveted Park Mark, Safer Parking Scheme Award and the Disabled Parking Accreditation for another two years.

Appletongate, Castle House, London Road, Riverside Arena, Riverside and Town Wharf within the historic town of Newark successfully passed the reassessment process.  The authority also achieved the Park Mark award for its new lorry park, which opened in June located on the Great North Road.

The Safer Parking Scheme is an initiative of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives that recognises facilities that have measures in place to reduce crime and the fear of crime in parking areas.  Each facility undergoes a rigorous risk assessment by the police and British Parking Association on lighting, surveillance, cleanliness and management practices.

The state-of-the-art lorry park is one of the first in the region and includes special design features to reduce the possibility of criminal activity.  With ANPR activated gates, the park is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and enables vehicles to turn up, have their number plates scanned and leave easily after their stop. The park is also fully equipped with a Certas Energy HGV refuelling bunker, lorry wash, shower facilities and restaurant serving homemade hot and cold food.

The park will also provide secure, off-street parking for visiting coaches to encourage more footfall into Newark attractions and provide a boost to the local economy.

After benefiting from significant district council investment the park has been extended to provide 167 spaces to reduce the number of vehicles parked on the roads.

Designing out Crime Officer Boguslawa Motylska said: "We are really pleased with the facility and the results so far.”

Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager, said: “I am delighted that the car parks and the lorry park within Newark and Sherwood District Council’s control have achieved the awards as it means they are continuing to deliver a safer environment for those using the facilities. It is a fantastic achievement and testament to the effective management and high parking standards being maintained.”

District council economic development committee chairman Councillor Keith Girling said: “This award recognises the on-going work we are doing to make Newark and Sherwood a safer place to live, work and visit. This award gives reassurance to anyone using our council car parks that we have taken measures to ensure the safety of both their vehicle and themselves.

“The lorry park extension is excellent, it brings better facilities to Newark with more space for lorries to park safely and securely. It has already had a positive impact on Newark’s economy by bringing more people into the area.”

All parking facilities with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking.  Early adopters of the scheme saw a dramatic drop in vehicle-related crime of over 80 per cent showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

Personal safety and location have been cited as joint priorities when choosing where to park.  There are currently 5,000 car parks with the Park Mark award throughout the UK which can be found on a designated website www.parkmark.co.uk

Photo: (left to right) Peter Gravells, British Parking Association Area Manager; Boguslawa Motylska, Designing out Crime Officer, Nottinghamshire Police and Brian Rawlinson, Parking Services Manager, Newark & Sherwood District Council

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