Home | News | Latest Awards | Barnsley Interchange retains Safer Bus Station Award for a 4th year

Barnsley Interchange retains Safer Bus Station Award for a 4th year

Posted in Latest Awards by ParkMark at 13:00 on 25th of June 2021

Barnsley Interchange, which welcomes up to 5000 visitors every day, has again won a national award for keeping passengers safe.

The Safer Bus Station award highlights standards of good practice in security and reassurance for passengers and staff, and also recognises operators’ efforts to reduce crime and disorder, as well as the fear of crime.

Ryan Davey, British Parking Association Area Manager for the North East said: “The Safer Bus Station Award scheme establishes standards of good practice and accredits individual bus and coach stations, whose operators have demonstrated a commitment to working with the local police force and other partners, to reduce crime and create a safe and non-threatening environment.

“The bus station is regularly patrolled in addition to the extensive CCTV in and around the station. There is also a customer service desk with extremely helpful staff. The bus station is clean, tidy and has a very welcoming feel to it.”

Tim Taylor, Director of Customer Services at South Yorkshire Passenger Executive (SYPTE) said: “Everyone should feel safe when travelling on public transport in South Yorkshire, including while passing through our interchanges. We’re pleased our efforts and actions to ensure our customers a safe and welcoming environment at Barnsley Interchange have been recognised for the fourth year.

“This national recognition is testament to the efforts and actions taken every day, by our team on the ground to respond to customer needs. We aim to offer a public transport service fit for the 21st century in South Yorkshire and having safe and welcoming facilities is just the first step towards it.”

Jack Regan, Designing Out Crime Officer, South Yorkshire Police said: “Transport Interchanges by their nature require multi agency co-operation to operate safely. Staff from South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive and British Parking Association have invested time and effort in and around Barnsley Interchange to make it a better place to travel through.

“We are all committed to continue working in partnership to continue with this work which is essential to making Barnsley a better and safer place to live, work in and to visit.”

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