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Australian car park giant has two car parks awarded in central London

Posted in Latest Awards by Admin at 08:56 on 1st of May 2019

Care Park`s Marble Arch and Knightsbridge car parks have both received the prestigious the Safer Parking Scheme’s, Park Mark awards. The Park Mark award recognises car parks with measures in place that actively deter crime and the fear of crime in car parks.

A Park Mark is awarded to parking facilities that pass a rigorous risk assessment conducted by the police and the British Parking Association. The assessments include management and maintenance of the facility, ensuring that there are appropriate levels of surveillance, lighting, signage and cleanliness. These criteria are known to reduce the opportunity for crime and create a safer environment for the motorist and their vehicle.

Dominic Dunne, Commercial Manager UK Care Park said: “Care Park is proud to achieve the Park Mark award for security at both Marble Arch and The Park Tower car parks. The level of investment we have made demonstrates our ambition in the UK Market. We will continue to ensure all of our car parks exceed the standards required and provide a secure and safe environment in which our customer can park their vehicle.”

Antony Powell, British Parking Association Area Manager said: “I am delighted that Care Park has achieved Park Mark award at its Marble Arch and Knightsbridge facilities in central London. The awards are a demonstration of the hard work and commitment by the company to provide safer parking environments for all of its customers. All members of the Care Park team are to be congratulated upon this achievement.”

Matt Turner, Inspector for the Prevent and Partnerships Team at the Metropolitan Police said: “When implemented effectively, simple crime prevention measures can lead to a significant reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour, reduce demand on frontline policing and improve community confidence. The Safer Parking Scheme is a great example of this in practice.

“Care Park has recently made changes to the Marble Arch and Knightsbridge car parks. The improved facilities and the management practices that have been introduced have led to notable reductions in crime and both sites are worthy of the Safer Parking Scheme’s Park Mark award. The Metropolitan Police Service’s Design-Out Crime team look forward to working with Care Park on other locations across London as their UK business grows.”

When the Safer Parking Scheme was introduced by the police 15 years ago to combat high levels of vehicle-related crime, car parks in the scheme saw a dramatic drop of over 80% in the first year showing that the initiative really does make a difference.

More recent motorist surveys by the safer parking team revealed that personal safety and location were joint priorities when choosing somewhere to park and a safe environment was third. Car parks with the Park Mark award can use signage featuring the distinctive Park Mark tick, so that drivers know exactly where to go for safer parking.

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